Image Compression

This tutorial will help us to compress the images we use to make our sites faster and make google love us more.

Here is the plug in we will be using

You can also find it in the dropbox folder in the WordPress Plugins folder.

Here is our starting point so we can see if we have made any difference after running the plugin

first we put in our URL and let google test our site, take a screenshot

then we install the plugin, create an account with the associated gmail account, save the api key, then do a batch optimization.

then we run the insights test again. take another screenshot

Most of our sites have less that 500 images, but it does only allow 500 free compressions per month, So if it has more and wants to charge us. Just watch when it is compressing and when it gets to just below 500 cancel the optimization, then make a note and we will do the next 500 in 30 days when we are given an new 500 free compressions.

Below is a video going over this.